Jesse Edgington discovered CKUA in the late 1990s at the Edmonton Folk Music Festival (EFMF). CKUA had a tent there, with music playing and hosts interviewing festival musicians, live.
Post-festival, he immediately sought out CKUA on his radio dial. “I was amazed and super excited to discover it,” he says. “I realized it would mean that I could get the great diversity of music that was reflected at the folk festival, all year round on the radio and in my car.”
The Edmontonian has been a dedicated listener ever since.
“I love the diversity of music, the commitment to highlighting Canadian artists, emerging artists, Indigenous artists and everyone in between and around the world,” he says.
“I also love how we rarely hear the same song twice because there is such a deep catalogue of artists and music. The hosts are really great too, with their knowledge and passion for the music and its back story.”
CKUA holds many memories for him, but one in particular is close to his heart. When he was first in a long-distance relationship with his partner of now 20+ years, he would drive a couple of hours to see her on weekends.
“At the time, I often caught host Bob Chelmick on The Road Home and it was such a beautiful travelling companion,” he says. “The mix of diverse and well-thought-out music he played, his warm and friendly voice as well as a sprinkling of poetry was such a nice way for me to drive and listen. It was a season of falling in love with my partner and with CKUA that I will always remember! Maybe a little cheesy, I know… but true.”
Edgington is a custodian with the Edmonton Public School Board who loves exploring the outdoors and camping with his family. And, of course, exploring the arts.
“We are faithful attendees of lots of Edmonton festivals, including the EFMF of course, and are trying to immerse our children in the benefits of art, culture and great community connections.”
As parents, they also want to show their sons the importance of supporting such cultural offerings.
“We decided as a family that it is important to be monthly donors to CKUA because it is a commitment to the arts and music that our society sometimes seems to lack,” Edgington says. “We enjoy the music and programming on an ongoing basis and so we also want to be a part of contributing to its success and continuation.”
Thanks Jesse! Your thoughtful support is very much appreciated.
If you’d like to donate monthly like the Edgingtons, please click here.
Jesse’s request: “The Rainbow Connection” “by Sarah McLachlan, The Carpenters, The Muppets, Willie Nelson, any of the great covers!”