A warm greeting CKUA donors, listeners, and believers,
Beginning with the Spring fundraiser, we have listened together in awe over the past weeks to the extraordinary outpouring of financial support, encouragement and appreciation for CKUA.
Our initial fundraising goal of $775,000 was exceeded by over $1.0 Million – that’s not a typo – and we soared to $1.8 Million of the $3.0 Million CKUA needs by the end of September to continue to create Alberta-based music, arts and culture content for the province and the world. Few arts organization can lay claim to grassroots support from across Alberta and the world, comprising over 6800 donors – in ten days! Think about it. We feature and support Canadian artists from across every province. This helps fill the seats of facilities such as the new Calgary Arts Commons musical venues and all venues in the country.
CKUA deserves a fair deal. If the programming, personalities and transmission infrastructure that have carried us through 97 years of media change and reinvention are not properly supported we risk losing this independent Alberta-based radio and media service. CBC and the large media conglomerates are no more deserving than CKUA of government support in a time of existential need.
We continue to push for the balance of funds required. But we need more help. How? Each one of you can engage your provincial and federal elected representatives to support CKUA with a letter writing campaign utilizing the names and the format that we have posted on the CKUA website. Tell them “The Time is Now”. Tell them about the unique contribution of CKUA to Canadian musical culture and the quality of your daily life and to the cultural landscape of this great country. Make your voice heard. The CKUA community needs to draw together as never before.
Thank you for your continuing support.
With appreciation,
Lindsay Hood
Board Chair – CKUA Radio