Rose Fedorak knew of CKUA. She listened once in a while. In 2020, however, everything changed. Stuck at home during the pandemic, she says CKUA became an utter necessity in her life.
“I announced loudly to my spouse that if I was to remain sane, the radios had to be switched to CKUA all the time!” Fedorak says.
She became a donor around the same time.
“After we had switched our radios full-time to CKUA I was listening during my first fundraiser time and decided since I was enjoying (and taking advantage of) this amazing radio station, it was my obligation to support it. Obviously, without donors, there would be no CKUA. It just had to be done!”
Fedorak says the wide variety of music being offered is what hooked her, as well as the hosts themselves. “The hosts are so knowledgeable and share their knowledge and passion. I was not only hearing great music but also learning so much about the artists and the different types of music.”
Choosing a CKUA favourite is nearly impossible, she says.
“This is an extremely difficult question because ALL of the programs and ALL of the hosts are so amazing. But, being forced to, I will choose Thoroughfare and Tony King.”
She loves the way he shares stories and details about the music. “What struck me was even when I didn’t particularly like a piece of music, Tony provided information and background that helped me understand that particular piece or artist and I could say, ‘hey, that’s not so bad after all.’”
Her first donation was $1,000, which meant a donated hour of programming. She chose Thoroughfare. It’s led to a nice connection with Tony, she says.
“We’ve had some great email conversations. I can pop off an email to him with a comment or question about the music and he will respond with more information, or maybe just a comment like ‘aren’t they terrific?’”
Now, even with life back to normal, Fedorak says the tuning on her radios will remain steadfast.
“CKUA is now my constant companion. I have been introduced to new artists and artists I wouldn’t have heard otherwise and I’m reminded of the amazing music of the past.”
She even has a radio in her sewing room, where her dress form is CKUA-themed. The form also serves as her radio antenna, boosting the otherwise less-than-stellar reception in the room.
“Music is very important in my life,” she says. “Music lifts us up, energizes us, calms us, wakes us up, soothes us to sleep, makes us dance and sing, or maybe even weep. I cannot imagine life without music.”
Thank you, Rose! We cannot imagine life without generous donors like yourself.
If you’d like to become a donor like Rose, learn more here.
Rose’ Song Recommendation: “Morning of My Life” by the Bee Gees