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Monthly Donors Are the Difference

Five Questions

We’re moving ever closer to the launch of Fall Fundraiser 2023! To get the vibe started, we’re bringing a key CKUA person into the spotlight: Greg Latham. Greg is our expert in all things fundraising. He’s here to talk about the importance of monthly donors and why he can only dream about ToffeePuffs and MallowPops. Or wait, ToffeePops and MallowPuffs? Don’t worry, Greg will explain all, read on…

Hello Greg! Let’s introduce you to the CKUA audience. Who are you and what does your role entail?  
I’m the Fund Development Manager and I lead the fundraising team here at CKUA.

Our main job is to build revenue from individual donors and provide support to them at every level. We’re always working to improve the ways we communicate and engage with our supporters so they feel informed and, most importantly, valued.

My team also is responsible for the Double Your Dollars matching pool, which means securing a significant amount of funds from a relatively small number of Leadership donors. We spend a lot of time connecting with our donor community. Luckily, I’m a people person so I love engaging with supporters on every level.

As well as my role at CKUA I’m a musician, a writer, a coffee roaster, a husband, and the father of two adult boys and a small dog. I’m originally from New Zealand but have called Canada home for over seven years now.

CKUA Fundraisers are obviously a big deal in your work life. How are you feeling as we move towards Fall Fundraiser 2023?  

Fundraisers are a big deal because we generate a large amount of financial support. They’re also a big deal because they’re a lot of work, right across the organization – we start planning each one about two months out.

I feel good, though, I am always optimistic because of our incredible community of supporters who make the difference!

We have also been working over the last year to diversify our fundraising more so that we aren’t so reliant on the fundraisers. One newer initiative to help build revenue is our 50-50 raffles. They have been extremely successful so far so I’m happy about that.

Just to remind us all, what are CKUA Fundraisers all about? 

As I mentioned, they are integral to our fundraising efforts but they are also a wonderful time for us – the CKUA community – right across the province and beyond, to connect together.

If you listen to any given hour of the fundraiser we are celebrating and thanking individual people who support us financially. I love listening to all the song choices that people offer up.

We often say monthly donors are the heart of CKUA. Why are monthly donors so important? 

It’s akin to having a stable salary or wages that comes in every month that we can depend on. Like any household CKUA has regular bills that need to be paid, and we rely on the support from our monthly donors to manage ongoing expenses. If we didn’t have them it would be like you or I only getting sporadic payments from a contract job or freelance gig. It’s much harder to budget on that type of income stream.

 Now, back to you. Are there any beloved Kiwi treats you wish you could get in Canada? 

Beloved Kiwi treats – where do I start? Thankfully, due to a few enterprising people and businesses in Canada I’m able to access some of my favourites here. However, the one thing I miss is a line of cookies/biscuits made by Griffin’s – a New Zealand company. I’m thinking MallowPuffs, ToffeePops and Chocolate Macaroons. Lots of chocolate – so delish.

Greg’s Song Recommendation: “How I Spent My Fall Vacation” by Bruce Cockburn.