Sammy Volkov has an unforgettable voice, and a style all his own. Manitoba musician Del Barber has said, “Sammy’s voice is one I wish I had, and his songs are ones I wish I had written.”
Now this Edmonton-based singer and songwriter has a new project on the go: an album of duets with Dana Wylie called The Day Had to Come.
“I met Dana about ten years ago at an open mic on Whyte Avenue,” says Volkov. “We talked right away about our favourite old records.” After that, the two would see each other at shows, and Volkov says, “I always admired her work.”
Wylie sang background vocals on Volkov’s 2022 album Be Alright!, and the song “I Won’t Wait Anymore” is the blueprint for what the pair ended up doing on The Day Had to Come.
“That first collaboration made us realize we could do something bigger together,” says Volkov. “We had this idea that we could do a country album.”
The album has an inviting vibe, reminiscent of country duets of years past. “What I have always loved about country music is that it gets right to the point. It’s direct and honest. There’s a real vulnerability in the vocals. And with two voices, it’s even more emotional. ”
Volkov’s love for the genre goes back years. “When I moved around a lot, and lived alone in different cities, I started to rely more on country music. I was working jobs I didn’t necessarily want to work, and I was drawn to country music. To listen to, and to write.”
As CKUA heads into its Spring Fundraiser, Volkov is quick to acknowledge how the station has supported and expanded his career.
“CKUA is unique,” he says, “and the value it has is impossible to quantify. I don’t think I would be working as a musician right now had it not been for CKUA’s amazing support. I was overwhelmed by the interest that hosts at CKUA showed in my music. They’ve been warm, and genuinely interested in learning about my music and what I had to say.”
“When I travel, I hear often that people outside Alberta wish they had something like CKUA. There’s nothing like it in BC, for example. The support it provides to emerging artists is invaluable. The musical variety is unrivalled. This is essential programming, and people should definitely support it. Whatever people can spare, donating to CKUA is money well spent.”
The Day Had to Come will be released May 31. The first single, already released, is “Secret Subway Conversations.”
June 6 will be the album launch at The Aviary in Edmonton, and more live shows will follow over the summer.