Starting September 12, CKUA’s programming schedule is getting a refresh and will include new programs, and familiar favourites at new days or times. Here is a sneak peek of what things will look like before we roll out the updates next week. As always, we are excited to share programming with the world that’s focused on musical appreciation, discovery, and variety.
“With the advent of CKUA OnDemand, which enables listeners to hear their favourite shows at any time they wish, we are using this opportunity to make some carefully considered programming updates. The goal is to create more continuity between shows, so they flow together more fluidly musically, offer some new and established hosts a chance to reach different audiences, and continue to cater to the open-minded curiosity of our listeners, and music fans we haven’t encountered yet.” – Vish Khanna, Content Director
We hope you’re enjoying the variety that is curated by the team of CKUA hosts. There are now many ways that you can listen to your favourite, and soon to be favourite, programs including on the radio, streaming online, via the CKUA app and even OnDemand. Choose the time and format that suits you best!
Join us Monday to Thursday for daytime variety
Alberta Morning 6am – 9am
Discoveries 9am – 11am
The Upload 11am – 1pm
Thoroughfare 1pm – 3pm
Traffic Jams 3pm – 6pm
Get festive on Fridays
Alberta Morning 6am – 9am
Mid-Morning Mojo 9am – 12pm
New Show! 12pm – 3pm
Traffic Jams 3pm – 6pm
In Our Neighbourhood 6pm – 8pm
Friends get together on Sundays
The Celtic Show 9am – 11am
Folk Routes 11am – 1pm
The Bluegrass Hour 1pm – 2pm
Roy’s Record Room 2pm – 3pm
Ease into your evening Sundays through Thursdays
Twilight 10pm – midnight
Catch these perennial favourites when they air, or at a time that suits your schedule with OnDemand
The Old-Disc-Jockey Thursdays 4am – 5am
Play It Again Fridays 4am – 5am
The Road Home Sundays 8pm – 10pm, Mondays 4am – 6am, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 5am – 6am
Retiring programs
Love Leo on Journeys? Catch him on Monday to Thursday on Discoveries
Enjoy Kate on Magnetic North? Hear her Monday to Thursday on The Upload
Missing Oskar and Saturday Night Surprise? Find him on Friday nights with In Our Neighbourhood
Do you notice a few gaps in the schedule? We have even more exciting shows to share with you, but you’ll have to wait a few more days for the big reveal! We wanted to give the hosts the chance to share news about schedule changes for their programs in their own words, so listen in this week and we’ll share more information next week.
Have you checked out our new CKUA OnDemand yet? Let us know which programs you’re listening to and when. We always invite your feedback and questions at feedback@ckua.com