Check out the top played albums of the week!
- ๐บย = Albertan
- ๐ = Canadian
Check out the top played albums of the week!
30.๐Dan Mangan: Being Elsewhere Mix CD (Arts & Crafts)
29. ๐Sheenah Ko: Transformation (Independent)
28.๐David Lavoie: Teardown (Inner Oceans)
27. Duke Robillard: Roll With Me (Stony Plain)
26.๐Julian Taylor: Pathways (Howling Turtle)
25.๐Clerel: Kaleidoscope (Independent)
24.๐Luna Li: When A Thought Grows Wings (In Real Life)
23.๐Bywater Call: Shepherd (Independent)
22. The Smile: Cutouts (XL)
21. Dr. Dog: Dr. Dog (We Buy Gold)
20.๐Joel Plaskett: One Real Reveal (Turtlemusik / Warner)
19.๐บConfusionaires!: Westernization B Sides (Independent)
18.๐บLeeroy Stagger: 3 AM Revelations (Tonic)
17.๐Boy Golden: For Eden (Six Shooter)
16.ย Ruthie Foster: Mileage (Sun)
15.๐Goldie Boutilier: The Actress (ONErpm)
14.๐Colin James: Chasing the Sun (Stony Plain)
13.๐บTzadeka: Tzadeka and the Murder Hornettes (Little Whore)
12. Manu Chao: Viva Tu (Because)
11. The Cactus Blossoms: Every Time I Think About You (Walkie Talkie)
10. Isik Kural: Moon In Gemini (RVNG Intl.
9.๐บMallory Chipman: Songs To A Wild God (Tunnel Mountain)
8.๐Ramon Chicharron:ย Nieblaย (Ray-On)
7. Thee Sacred Souls: Got A Story To Tell (Daptone)
6. Ezra Collective: Dance, No One’s Watching (Partisan)
5.๐The Fretless:ย Glasswingย (Birthday Cake)
4.๐Mia Kelly: To Be Clear (Acronym)
3. Yasmin Williams: Acadia (Nonesuch)
2.๐บBlue Moon Marquee: New Orleans Sessions (Independent)
1.ย Leon Bridges: LEON (Columbia / Sony)
Tune in to On The Rise with Dawn Pemberton and Joe Hartfeil every Friday from noon-3pm MT when they connect the musical dots, take a peek at CKUA chart history, chat with great artists, and, of course, count down the Top 30 albums.