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Send us a text message!


We’re excited to announce that you can now reach CKUA via text message, straight to the broadcast booth. We launched this feature with a contest. We’re happy the share that Eileen in Westlock, AB is the winner of a cool new CKUA prize pack. Thank you for participating – stay tuned for more contests!


How does it work?
You may already know the number 1-800-494-2582. Use that number to send a text directly to the broadcast booth and reach the host on the air at that time. Of course our email is still open if you need to reach a specific host that way. Find host contact info on our host pages.

What does it do? 
It’s instant access to the broadcast booth! Use the text feature to make a musical suggestion, offer feedback, or comment on the program.

Will I get a reply? 
You will! Save this number in your contacts to keep the conversation with hosts in the booth going.


How can I enter this contest? 
It’s so easy! When you send a text to CKUA before midnight on June 24, your name will automatically be entered in the contest. To reduce spam, we’re limiting entries to one per person.

What could I win? 
It’s a great summer prize pack that includes CKUA merchandise and swag.

How will I know if I’ve won? 
We will notify the winner after we do the draw on June 24. You can also check back on this page on June 25.

Where can I see contest rules and all the fine print?  
Read the terms and conditions here.