This month, we’re shining the spotlight on monthly donors. Their ongoing support is the heart and soul of CKUA.
Meet Lori Hahnel. She’s a Calgary author and creative writing instructor, and fans of the Session Stories series on CKUA can find her story “Dust in the Wind” in Season Four. She’s also a longtime CKUA donor, and we visited with her to find out more about her CKUA journey.
How long have you been a CKUA donor?
My husband, Bruce Kohse, and I have been donors since the mid-90’s. We both listened to CKUA as students, and as soon as we could afford it, started to donate when the budget would allow.
How did you discover CKUA?
I’ve been a listener since 1984. I first started getting into jazz around that time, and CKUA’s jazz programming was (and continues to be) exceptional.
Do you have a favourite program or host?
So hard to choose among so many fine programs and hosts, but for me it would have to be a tie between Holger Petersen’s Natch’l Blues and Kodi Hutchinson’s A Time for Jazz. I also love the programming by Lisa Wilton, Mark Antonelli, Cam Hayden, and Tony Dillon-Davis.
This month, we are shining a spotlight on monthly donors. What led you to become a monthly donor?
After donating from time to time for a few years, we became monthly donors when the station returned to the air after the silence in 1997. It felt like a terrible loss when CKUA was gone, and we choose to be ongoing donors because we don’t want that to ever happen again.
We’re asking monthly donors to share their “jams” with us. What’s a song you always love to hear?
A long-time favourite song of mine, which seems more poignant now, is Ian and Sylvia’s version of Gordon Lightfoot’s “Early Morning Rain”. Their harmonies always send a shiver down my spine.
Thank you so much for supporting CKUA, Lori and Bruce!
If you’d like to become a monthly donor, get in touch today. We’d love to hear from you.