There are many different ways to support CKUA, and today we meet Reg Curren, a Calgary donor who doubles the impact of his monthly donation through his employer’s matching program. Thanks to all who support CKUA in generous and innovative ways!
How long have you been a CKUA donor?
I have been donating to CKUA for about 25 years. The first donations were one-time gifts, in the initial period immediately following the five weeks of quiet in 1997. I have been a monthly donor off and on for about 20 years, first directly to CKUA and now through my employer’s giving platform.
How did you discover CKUA?
I first became aware (but not much of a listener) when I moved to Edmonton from Halifax in 1990. I worked for Canadian Press/Broadcast News as a journalist at the time and if my memory serves correctly, we used to do a farm report feed at noon every day for CKUA. I recall chatting with Ken Regan in the early 90s when sending the feed. I really started listening when I found the Saturday shows in the mid-90s.
Do you have a favourite program or host?
Oh boy, this is a really unfair question. Can I say everyone? I truly do appreciate all of the hosts and their music curating abilities. I am going to cheat and pick a few shows and hosts: Alberta Morning and Grant Stovel, as his show gets me to work every day on the C-Train in Calgary; Cam Hayden and Holger Petersen because I’m a blues music junkie; Allison Brock and Terry David Mulligan. Lisa Wilton and Andy Donnelly are favourites, too. The breadth of music on all of the shows, and the depth of music knowledge the hosts have make CKUA a truly unique radio experience.
You donate through an employer-matching program. What would you like people to know about employer-matching programs?
Cenovus Energy has a very generous matching program through its giving and volunteering program, Cenovus Cares, which allows employees to support the causes of their choice (like CKUA for example!). The company uses a platform operated by Benevity, a Calgary-based company, that allows me to make one-time or monthly donations through either payroll deduction (my preferred method) or submitting gifts to approved organizations through the online tool. It’s simple and efficient, and with the match doubles my impact.
What song would you like to send out to our audience?
“O Glory Lost Those Blues Again” by Blackie and the Rodeo Kings
Get more information about employer matching here, and get in touch with us if you have any questions!