What defines health, in a person or a community? It’s complex, but here at CKUA, we have heard from many listeners that music and connection are important parts of the equation! Music and art can impact our wellness, outlook, and mood. This this is true for us collectively and individually.
Psychological research suggests that music can play a role in stress management, mood regulation, and even pain relief. Music can make times of grief and isolation less overwhelming. CKUA nourishes minds and souls by offering musical programming that is thoughtful, positive, and authentic.
CKUA’s hosts create connections and positivity through their music choices, and through their words. They cultivate a sense of wholeness and belonging. We are a community where kindness, intelligence, entertainment, and inclusivity converge. We are a table where everyone is welcome, and we work tirelessly to extend our invitation to those who feel isolated or unseen. In a fractured world, CKUA is a gathering place that aspires to exclude no one.
CKUA is happy to welcome Alberta Blue Cross as a presenting sponsor of the 2024 CKUA Fall Fundraiser. For CEO Marc Carnes, the partnership is more than a welcome investment in what CKUA does—it’s also a good fit for two organizations whose values align.
“We exist on a platform of values,” says CKUA CEO Marc Carnes. “The partners we work with share our values, that commitment to community, belonging, and elevating the arts.”
Ben Spencer, Director of Brand and Creative for Alberta Blue Cross, agrees. “When you look at the landscape of Alberta, and what CKUA is, in some fundamental, and maybe underappreciated ways, it really supports the well-being of the people in this province. It’s a pretty natural fit with Alberta Blue Cross.” He adds, “Music and the arts and the community around those things…we all understand these things to be so fundamental, and so powerful.”
One idea that Alberta Blue Cross is focused on lately is courage. That relates to community as well, says Spencer. “Institutions like CKUA are so unique and so powerful in providing that sense of belonging and backup. When you have that, a lot more becomes possible in your life. Whether it’s taking a risk, or just getting out of the house and meeting new people, all of those things feed into well-being, individually and at a social level.”
Marc Carnes thinks the idea of courage is applicable to the Fall Fundraiser theme: Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop. “That’s the definition of courage,” says Carnes. “It’s courage for our staff and hosts and volunteers, who are being courageous in a really challenging time for us. And it’s also a testament to the donors, who have stepped up and are showing courage and commitment to what CKUA is.”
CKUA’s listeners have told us many times that this community nourishes the soul and helps them feel connected.
“Listening to CKUA always brings me comfort and makes me feel immediately connected to friends, family and the places I love.” – Cori, Panama
“CKUA has the power to connect us all and help us through all the different days!” – KC, Fort McMurray
“There is no place else where I can listen to such an incredibly diverse range of quality music that is so expertly curated. CKUA really takes me to my happy place.” – Bob, Peachland, BC
“CKUA is the glue that keeps us all together and the joy that keeps us sane and happy. Play on!” – Jennifer, Edmonton
“CKUA brings me joy every day through music and stories.” – Monica, Calgary
CKUA is there for you. Could you be there for CKUA? If you are a listener who has never donated, will you step up to contribute to CKUA’s vision of uplifting wholeness and wellness?
When you donate, you ensure that CKUA will continue to uplift the human spirit.
Donate because your own well-being has been boosted by CKUA.
Donate because you want that goodness to be there for everyone, including future generations.
If you would like to hear the whole conversation between Marc Carnes and Ben Spencer, listen here.