Do you (or someone you know) have a 200-300 word story about you and CKUA that you’d like to share with us? Please let us know by writing us. We’d love to feature it! What do such stories look like?
Well, here’s a touching one by Gail from Edmonton.
I met my late husband when I was in university. I knew nothing about music and owned one Everly Brothers album! He had a cassette player with a collection of tapes, and that impressed me.
David was in his initial stage of becoming an audiophile in 1973 when we were married. By 1977, he bought Harmony Music Bar in Grande Prairie, and so had access to music and machines whenever he wanted. When the economy fell, he closed the store and he went back into forestry work.
In 1985, David was severely mauled by a grizzly and took months to recover. I would come home from my teaching job and find him lying on the living room carpet, listening to CKUA doing his physio exercises.
We were both shocked when CKUA went off the air, and I think it made many of us sit up and realize just what an important part it played in our lives. CKUA is on for much of my day, and I so appreciate being exposed to a vast variety of music. I especially love that our Canadian musical talent is promoted so lovingly, which allows me to hear from artists I may, otherwise, never know.
The hosts of your programs are so knowledgeable! I enjoy hearing the background stories about some of the singers you profile, and it makes me realize what a wealth of information CKUA hosts have!
There is nothing like this gem of a radio station and everyone who listens should help support it financially and become part of the CKUA “family.”
– Gail, Edmonton, AB
Thanks again for this beautiful story about you and CKUA, Gail, and thanks for your support!
Please email us if you would like to share your own 200-300 word CKUA story with our community! And tell a friend too! We’d love to hear from listeners of all generations and backgrounds!
Park Power