Be part of Alberta’s rich cultural history, and its future.
Apply to join CKUA’s Board of Directors
CKUA is more than a radio station. Our listeners, donors and supporters rely on us to share the very best in music, arts, and culture. At nearly 100 years old, we’re a cultural touchstone that accompanies thousands of listeners throughout their day, every day. And we’re a force that shapes that culture, using digital tools to reach an ever-growing global audience with strong Albertan and Canadian roots.
That’s why we need your help: to build on this vision, and help CKUA to grow online, on the air and in communities across Alberta.
As Alberta’s best source for Music, Arts & Culture, CKUA is seeking new candidates. We highly encourage anyone who identifies as BIPOC and/or 2SLGBTQ to join our team and bring their personal insight, knowledge, and wisdom to our deliberations as we build CKUA and strive to sustain it to and beyond its 100th anniversary in 2027.
CKUA’s Board of Directors serves the Foundation and its members with representatives from communities across Alberta.
The CKUA Board works closely with the management team to oversee the development of the strategic plan, set the direction and objectives of the organization, and most importantly, ensure the financial health of CKUA. The Management team executes on the strategic plan and is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the organization.
As stipulated in the CKUA Bylaws, Directors are elected for two-year terms, and limited to serve a maximum of consecutive four years (unless granted an additional term exemption by vote of the board). You can rejoin the board after a 1-year-per-term cooling off period.
Given the board’s succession planning, we’re looking for these key skill sets:
– Peer-to-peer fundraising experience
– Developing business-to-business networks for the purpose of sales and sponsorships
– Accounting and financial reporting experience
– Experience in the not-for-profit arts sector
Here’s what we look for in CKUA board members:
– A knowledge of CKUA and a passion for its unique programming, announcers, and the values, vision, and mission of the CKUA Radio Foundation.
– Demonstrated ability to communicate the vision, mission and values of the CKUA Radio Foundation and the Radio Network to partners, stakeholders and the broader community.
– Willingness and time available to participate in board, committee, as well as project meetings and activities.
– Willingness to roll up your sleeves and participate in fundraising activities throughout the year.
– CKUA strives to be an inclusive and diverse organization. The board is looking for diverse voices and perspectives that represent a diversity of ethnicity, gender, ability, age and geographic reach.
– 18 years of age or older.
– An enthusiasm for helping uplift and inspire organizations and their members.
– A minimum annual donation of $300
Please include the following:
– Cover Letter
– Briefly tell us why you’re applying to serve on the CKUA Radio Foundation Board of Directors, and what contribution you can make on our plucky team.
– A resumé highlighting your experience and qualifications including:
– Business/work experience
– Previous board experience
– Past experience that would assist the board, particularly in the areas of expertise listed above
– Previous community and/or volunteer activities
– Contact information (including full legal name, address, phone numbers, email)
– Two work and/or volunteer related references (name, contact information)
Please submit your cover letter and resumé to CKUA Radio at board@ckua.com by Friday Oct 20, 2023. We thank all applicants for their interest. However, only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.
Collected information will only be used by CKUA Radio Foundation to fulfill the purpose for which it was originally collected or for a use consistent with that purpose. This is governed by the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act. If you have any questions on the collection and use of this information, please contact CKUA.
The CKUA Radio Foundation is a non-profit society, incorporated under the Societies Act of Alberta, for the continued support and enhancement of the activities of the CKUA Radio Network.