Barbara Millicent Roberts, more commonly known as “Barbie“, has long been a source of entertainment and inspiration to young kids across the globe. The popular toy character first hit the shelves in 1959 and has since gone on to spawn numerous doll lines.
Over her lengthy lifetime, Barbie has taken on many careers ranging from plumber, nurse, veterinarian and even an astronaut, to name only a few!
There’s no doubt that Barbie has made a lasting impact on our culture today and continues to be shaped by it, including inspiring the careers of individuals such as Trixie Mattel, celebrity drag queen and obsessive Barbie doll collector.
Barbie is quite the hot topic at the moment, what with the massive popularity of the Barbie film, which has been screening in theatres everywhere. The Telus Spark Science Centre in Calgary is offering patrons the opportunity to discover the long history of the film’s titular character and muse with “Barbie: A Cultural Icon.”
This new exhibition is on now and runs until September 10, 2023 with entry covered by general admission to the centre.
CKUA’s Grant Stovel brought us more on the exhibition on Alberta Morning.