For the past month, the Covid-19 pandemic has been on everyone’s minds and has been the main topic of conversations. People from all walks of life have been affected – whether by the illness itself or the consequences of so many temporarily shuttered businesses.
Alberta’s arts community has been hit hard, but those who make their living in the arts have been coming up with unique ways of keeping those creative juices flowing and connecting with friends, fans, patrons and potential patrons.
Calgary painter Tresa Gibson has been making a name for herself for the past 17 years with her beautiful, bold and colourful paintings of trees, florals and abstract work. Our own Lisa Wilton spoke with Tresa about how she’s been dealing with self-isolation and how art can help you through a time like this…
If you’d like to see Tresa’s work or find out what when she’s painting live next, follow her on Facebook or on Instagram at @tresagibson.