Have you ever looked at something and asked, “How did they do that?” CKUA’s newest feature, “The How of Wow,” highlights marvels of innovation and technology that are all around us. The stuff Engineers and Geoscientists create can be beautiful, sometimes even iconic, but it has to work.
Plastics were the great saviour: the salvation of the boomer generation, they were durable, sanitary and cheap to make, to the point where, as the ‘60s gave way to the ‘70s they were ubiquitous.
But as the use of plastic boomed, people began to ask what happened after we trashed it. The answer was not pretty, but now, in the 21st century, is there such thing as good plastic? Dr. Anastasia Elias, a professor in chemical and materials engineering is working on answers.
Hear every episode of The How of Wow on-air! 8:58am MT Tuesdays, 2:58pm MT Wednesdays and 11:58am MT Saturdays!