Human beings, it seems, are innately curious. It is this curiosity that feeds our natural desire to discover something about ourselves through forging through our collective histories. Whether it be diving into books, photographs or archives, stories are integral in helping us understand who we are.
Enter into this narrative: heavy metal. Literally!
The Gallery at CASA in Lethbridge is doing something different this summer; in fact, they are going completely off the rails. Their latest exhibition is entitled Heavy Metal. This exhibition is a group show, showcasing 28 artists inspired by or using a decommissioned trolley track, long buried under 3rd Avenue in Lethbridge. Following an unveiling at a Pride in the Park event June 25th, these pieces constitute an exhibition which is set to carry on through August 20th.
On Thoroughfare Wednesday, June 29, Tony King chatted with Ryan Smitham, the artist who was chosen to create a public art piece from ribbons of steel. Ryan touched on the palpable sense of history shared through objects, and elaborate on the challenges of working with…well, heavy metal: