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Fringe offers a unique spirit of community and discovery


They sprint to Fringe theatres to replace a broken light.
They put in long days seeing dozens of plays in hot venues.
They host out-of-town performers in their homes.

Volunteers, technical staff, and audience members drive The Edmonton Fringe with commitment and passion. Wednesday August 12th on our #FringeSpot, we hear from four of those people.

We’ll meet a long-time Fringe worker, two audience members who also volunteer, and a key sponsor. They’ll talk about their experiences, and why they keep coming back every August.

To see Murray Utas’ full interviews with Tessa Stamp and her many Fringe hats, volunteer and show connoisseur Gay Madden, “official banker” John Evans from ATB, and patron and sponsor Barb Galm, go to

From August 10th – 21st, CKUA is celebrating The Edmonton Fringe that Never Was.

Thursday August 13th we’ll bring you the perspective of an up-and-coming artist you’re going to hear a lot more from in the future. Helen Belay will tell us what the Edmonton Fringe has meant to her as she launches a career in the arts.

To learn more about the 11-days of digital Fringe shows, interviews, parties and more, visit