Our constitution was born on July 1, 1867, and thus today has come to represent the incredible diversity that is perhaps the defining characteristic of our country.
The National Film Board has a lot on offer for friends and families to do on Canada Day. They recently unveiled their piece of the puzzle in the Canada Day Celebration Kit.
Among the cool activities and films to screen, StopMo Studio is an NFB tool for creating your own stop frame animation movies!
Tony King speaks with Catherine Perreault, Digital Project Manager with the NFB, about how to access the app, and all of the fun things you can do with it.
Stop Mo is available for free! For details on all of the NFB offerings this Canada Day and through the summer, check out www.NFB.ca.
Here’s a quick example of what you can create: No Disturbing Gramps by Patrick Bouchard (Bydio)