The Covid-19 health crisis has had a major impact on people’s lives around the world, and Alberta is no exception.
From self-isolating at home to lost jobs, navigating grocery stores and getting used to physically distancing from friends and family, the pandemic has had an effect on our daily interactions and psyche. Calgary’s Glenbow Museum is inviting Albertans to share their stories, letters, drawings and photos about how the Covid-19 Pandemic has affected their lives.
When you send Glenbow a letter as part of this project, it will be incorporated into their permanent collection. Personal testimonies will be a way for future generations to understand this unique time that we are all living through. Glenbow’s goal is to collect things that will be accessible and meaningful to our community, both now and in the future.
Lisa Wilton spoke with Jenny Conway Fisher from the Glenbow Museum about the project:
Letter, postcard and photo submissions will be accepted until July 31st. Their mailing address is 130 9th Avenue S.E., Calgary AB T2G 0P3. Send your letters or postcards to the attention of Collections Manager, Glenbow Museum.
Digital submissions, such as emails or social media messages, can be sent via e-mail to You can also tag them on social media with the hashtag #DearGlenbow.
For more information visit their website at