This newfangled virtual world we’re all living in offers us all the opportunity to take part in previously inaccessible activities, taking place around the world… Everything from virtual breadbaking to yoga lessons to dog obedience schools. And now… printmaking?
Alberta Printmakers are game for the challenge. They say: “We recognize that folks in Calgary and around the world are currently facing very important and impactful global issues. Now, more than ever, we need ways to make and celebrate art, and for it to be accessible.”
Tracy Wormsbecker is Executive Director of Alberta Printmakers, and recently joined Grant Stovel to talk about the delightfully-named new initiative, Pressing Onward: An Online Demo Series.
Alberta Printmakers are running online courses every Wednesday in July. On July 9, learn The Basics of Letterpress Printing with Michelle Wiebe, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM (MT) over ZOOM.
Details about this session, and many others, visit